Three Hams Among RCA Honorees

The Radio Club of America’s annual list of honorees for radio-related accomplishments includes three hams this year. According to Newsline, they are Ruth Willett, KM4LAO, first recipient of the club’s Carole Perry Young Professional Award; ICOM’s Ray Novak, N9JA, recipient of this year’s special service award; and the RCA Business Award goes to Tim Duffy, K3LR, … Read more

Solar Maximum May Be Approaching

NASA/SDO photoWe may be nearing the maximum of Solar Cycle 25, based on observed weakening of the sun’s north and south poles. According to SpaceNews, this is typical as solar max approaches, as the polarity of the sun’s poles reverses with each new cycle.  According to the report, recent measurements by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, … Read more

FCC Back to Full Strength

New FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez (left)with FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcelsoon after her swearing-in ceremony.(FCC photo via Instagram)The FCC is finally back to having five commissioners, after the Senate voted in early September to confirm the nomination of Anna Gomez to fill a long-vacant seat. This will allow the Commission to take action on significant issues, … Read more

CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, SK

It is with great sadness that we report the passing on April 27 of Richard A. “Dick” Ross, K2MGA. He was 84. Dick was Publisher of CQ magazine since 1979, and was its editor in the 1960s. As President of CQ Communications, Inc., Dick was also publisher of multiple magazine titles, including Popular Communications, CQ … Read more

A QRP Morse Code Exchange with a Monk

How I worked the #19 most wanted CW DXCC as a pedestrian mobile station by Leo (DL2COM) A couple of months ago, I started using the app HamAlert to keep track of interesting DXpeditions and rare call signs just to check if I would be able to copy their signal on my home-made WebSDR at … Read more

Back in the Game for the POTA Babe

by Teri (KO4WFP) After a five week break from POTA, it was time to get back in the game! I leave for my North Carolina camping/POTA trip Sunday, July 14th and frankly miss being out on an activation. To remedy that situation, Monday, July 8th, I headed to Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area (WMA), POTA park … Read more

Field Day: It’s all about the audio…

If you listened to the latest Ham Radio Workbench Podcast episode–our Field Day Debrief–you will have heard that my Field Day was a pretty low-key event. Originally, I had hoped to fly out to Oregon and hang with my friend George (KJ6VU) and his radio club, but there were just too many family activities happening … Read more