ANS-203 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service ANS-203 July 18, 2024 In this edition: AMSAT Board of Directors Election Underway AMSAT Mail Alias Service to End August 31, 2024 Tevel Satellites Nearing Re-Entry AMSAT-OSCAR 7 in Continuous Sunlight Changes to AMSAT TLE Distribution for July 19, 2024 ARISS News Upcoming Satellite Operations AMSAT Ambassador Activities Satellite Shorts From All … Read more

Lee’s QRP CW POTA Adventure on Black-a-Tor

Black-A-Tor Copse National Nature ReserveMany thanks to Lee (M0VKR) who shares the following field report and video: A QRP CW POTA Adventure on Black-a-Tor by Lee (M0VKR) It was another sunny morning when my wife Joanne and I set off for a new mini adventure. Our destination was Black-a-Tor on Dartmoor, Devon, a scenic location ideal for … Read more

FCC Back to Full Strength

New FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez (left)with FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcelsoon after her swearing-in ceremony.(FCC photo via Instagram)The FCC is finally back to having five commissioners, after the Senate voted in early September to confirm the nomination of Anna Gomez to fill a long-vacant seat. This will allow the Commission to take action on significant issues, … Read more

Solar Maximum May Be Approaching

NASA/SDO photoWe may be nearing the maximum of Solar Cycle 25, based on observed weakening of the sun’s north and south poles. According to SpaceNews, this is typical as solar max approaches, as the polarity of the sun’s poles reverses with each new cycle.  According to the report, recent measurements by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, … Read more

Three Hams Among RCA Honorees

The Radio Club of America’s annual list of honorees for radio-related accomplishments includes three hams this year. According to Newsline, they are Ruth Willett, KM4LAO, first recipient of the club’s Carole Perry Young Professional Award; ICOM’s Ray Novak, N9JA, recipient of this year’s special service award; and the RCA Business Award goes to Tim Duffy, K3LR, … Read more

CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, SK

It is with great sadness that we report the passing on April 27 of Richard A. “Dick” Ross, K2MGA. He was 84. Dick was Publisher of CQ magazine since 1979, and was its editor in the 1960s. As President of CQ Communications, Inc., Dick was also publisher of multiple magazine titles, including Popular Communications, CQ … Read more