ANS-224 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition: 42nd Annual AMSAT Space Symposium & Annual General Meeting October 24-27 QCWA Awards AMSAT Youth and Education Programs $2,500 VUCC Satellite Standing August 2024 AMSAT EA’s GENESIS-A Launched NASA Seeks Student Missions to Send to Space in 2026, Beyond Changes to AMSAT TLE Distribution for August 9, 2024 ARISS News Upcoming Satellite … Read more

The POTA Babe Becomes a SOTA Babe – Part 2

by Teri (KO4WFP) Monday, July 15, after my “botched” SOTA activation of Black Balsam, the POTA Babe headed to Richland Balsam. Richland Balsam proved to be a nice hike and activation. The mountain is further up the parkway and the highest point on it. You access the trail to the summit via an overlook just … Read more

A tale of two back to back activations

by Vince (VE6LK) On Sunday July 28 I needed some shortwave therapy. I headed west from Longview Alberta to find a location on Highway 541 where I could have the perfect convergence of having cell service and be within a POTA entity and near to the mountains. This would allow me to receive any updates … Read more

The POTA Babe Becomes a SOTA Babe – Part 1

by Teri (KO4WFP) Monday, July 15, the second day of my North Carolina camping trip for POTA and SOTA, started chilly with overcast skies. Today I would attempt my first SOTA activations. I chose two easy summits – Black Balsam Knob and Richland  Balsam. Daisy and I headed out after a simple breakfast up US … Read more

ANS-217 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition: * ROBUSTA-3A in Orbit * SONATE-2 APRS Digipeater in Operation * Wireless Technology Workshop in India * Small Satellites of the Future Grow Larger * ASRTU-1 Scheduled for November Launch * Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution * ARISS News * Upcoming Satellite Operations * AMSAT Ambassador Activities * Satellite Shorts From All … Read more