A tale of two back to back activations

by Vince (VE6LK) On Sunday July 28 I needed some shortwave therapy. I headed west from Longview Alberta to find a location on Highway 541 where I could have the perfect convergence of having cell service and be within a POTA entity and near to the mountains. This would allow me to receive any updates … Read more

The POTA Babe Becomes a SOTA Babe – Part 1

by Teri (KO4WFP) Monday, July 15, the second day of my North Carolina camping trip for POTA and SOTA, started chilly with overcast skies. Today I would attempt my first SOTA activations. I chose two easy summits – Black Balsam Knob and Richland  Balsam. Daisy and I headed out after a simple breakfast up US … Read more

ANS-217 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

In this edition: * ROBUSTA-3A in Orbit * SONATE-2 APRS Digipeater in Operation * Wireless Technology Workshop in India * Small Satellites of the Future Grow Larger * ASRTU-1 Scheduled for November Launch * Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution * ARISS News * Upcoming Satellite Operations * AMSAT Ambassador Activities * Satellite Shorts From All … Read more

The POTA Babe Goes North – Day 1

by Teri (KO4WFP) Sunday, July 14 finally arrived, a day for which I prepared the past five weeks. It was time for Daisy and the POTA Babe to head to North Carolina for a week of POTA, SOTA, and camping. The drive was straight-forward and easy – Interstate 95 to Interstate 26. About four hours … Read more

KM4CFT Teases a New CW Field Radio!

My buddy, Jonathan (KM4CFT), is close to releasing a new CW Field Transceiver kit he designed for POTA, SOTA, and pretty much any other field radio activity. Today, he shared the following photo, which is a bit of a teaser: Those of you who attended Four Days in May this year may have already gotten … Read more

Video: IX1CKN & IW0HK’s Friedrichshafen ’24 POTA Rove

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) for sharing the following video recorded during his multi-park rove with Andrea (IU1APL). The video was only recently published, but I’ve added it to Christian’s original field report. We’re highlighting it here for those who may otherwise miss it. (Note: Some of the video is in Italian, but YouTube closed … Read more