CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, SK

It is with great sadness that we report the passing on April 27 of Richard A. “Dick” Ross, K2MGA. He was 84. Dick was Publisher of CQ magazine since 1979, and was its editor in the 1960s. As President of CQ Communications, Inc., Dick was also publisher of multiple magazine titles, including Popular Communications, CQ VHF, CQ Contest, WorldRadio Online, Communications Quarterly, CB Radio, Electronic Servicing and Technology, Modern Electronics, MicroComputer Journal, and Music and Computer Educator. In addition, Dick oversaw the production and publication of CQ books and calendars, the CQ Video Library and more. In 2010, Dick received the Dayton Hamvention’s Special Achievement Award.

He is survived by his wife, Cathy, daughters Kate and Jennifer, their husbands and five grandchildren. A memorial service will be scheduled at a future date.

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